8th World Rabbit Congress, Septembre 7- 10, 2004 - Puebla Mexico

ISSN 2308-1910

The 216 communications are classified according to the congress sessions
and by alphabetical order of the first author name,
nevertheless the 12 invited papers are presented first in each session

Click on the Name of the first author to load the full text of the communication


 Genetics & Biotechnology (pages 1-185)

BASELGA M., Genetic improvement of meat rabbits. Programmes and diffusion (Invited paper)
GARREAU H. , PILES M., LARZUL C., , BASELGA M., ROCHAMBEAU H. De. Selection of maternal lines: Last results and prospects -(Invited paper).

ALLAIN D. , BONNET M. , PICOULET S. , THEBAULT R.G., ROCHAMBEAU H. De. Genetic and phenotypic responses on wool production and fleece components in two divergent lines selected for total fleece weight in angora rabbits.
BRUN J.M., BASELGA M. Analysis of reproductive performances during the formation of a rabbit synthetic strain
CHANTRY-DARMON C., HAYES H., ALLAIN D., PENA B.,URIEN C., BERTAUD M., ROCHAMBEAU H. De , ROGEL-GAILLARD C. - Construction of an integrated genetic and cytogenetic map in the rabbit.
CHRENEK P. , VASICEK D., MAKAREVICH A.V., JURCIK R., SUVEGOVA K., BAUER J. , RAFAY J., BULLA L., HETENYI J., ERICKSON R. K. , PALEYANDA M. - Stability of transgene transmission in three generations of transgenic rabbits after single or double pronuclear microinjection.
EADY S.J., GARREAU H., HURTAUD J. - Heritability of resistance to bacterial infection in commercial meat rabbit populations.
GARCÍA, M., PILES, M., SÁNCHEZ, J., RAFEL, O., RAMON, J. - Heterosis, direct and maternal genetic effects on semen quality traits of rabbits.
GARREAU H. , SAN CRISTOBAL M. , HURTAUD J. , BODIN L. , ROS M. , ROBERTGRANIE C., SALEIL G. , BOLET G. - Can we select on within litter homogeneity for rabbit birth weight ? A divergent selection experiment.
HASSAN N. S. - New Zealand White rabbits' blup values for post-weaning individual body weight under Egyptian conditions.
IBAÑEZ N., SANTACREU M.A., CLIMENT A., BLASCO A. - Selection for ovulation rate in rabbits. Preliminary results.
KHALIL M. H., MEHAIA M. A., AL-HOMIDAN A.H., AL-SOBAYIL K. A. - Genetic analysis for milk yield and components and milk conversion ratio in crossing of Saudi rabbits with V-line.
LARZUL C., BAILLOT C., PENA-ARNAUD B., RUESCHE J., TUDELA F., ROCHAMBEAU H. De - Selection for feed efficiency in rabbit.
LONG J. R., TANG L. M., QIU X. P., ZENG F.T., XIE X. H., ZHANG Y. P. - Sequence variation in the rabbit major histocompatibility complex DQA gene.
NOFAL R., SZENDRÖ Zs., KENESSEY A., JENSEN J. E. - Crossbreeding effects on carcass traits at 12 weeks of age in Pannon and Danish White rabbits and their reciprocal crosses.
OLIVEIRA M. C., MOURA C. D., ARANTES U. M., FARIA, E. B., LUI J. F., CAIRES, D. R. - Body measurements and its coefficient of correlation with the performance index of sexed rabbits slaughtered at different ages.
ORENGO J. , GÓMEZ E. A. , PILES M. , RAFEL O. , RAMÓN J. - Growth traits in simple crossbreeding among dam and sire lines.
PEIRÓ R., SANTACREU M. A., CLIMENT A., BLASCO A - Divergent selection for uterine capacity. Early embryo mortality.
PILES M., RAFEL O., RAMON J., VARONA L. - Genetic parameters of fertility in two lines of rabbit of different aptitude.
RAFAY J., CHRENEK P. , VAŠÍCEK D. , VAŠÍCKOVÁ K. , SÜVEGOVÁ K., JURCÍK R., CHRASTINOVÁ L., DRAGIN S. - Lactation and growth intensity of transgenic rabbits.
ROCHAMBEAU H. De, LICOIS D., GIDENNE T., VERDELHAN S., COUDERT P., ELSEN J. M. - Genetic variability of the resistance for three types of enteropathy in the growing rabbit.
ROGERS A.D., LUKEFAHR S.D., JACKSON R - Effects of the naked gene on postweaning performance and thermotolerance characters in fryer rabbits
RUBIO-RUBIO, M. , TORRES-HERNANDEZ G., MARTINEZ-GARZA A., MASTACHE-LAGUNAS A., LAGUNAS-SILVA M. G. - Genetic components of litter performance in a diallel cross involving four rabbit breeds.
SAMPAIO I.B.M., FERREIRA W.M., BASTOS A.F. - Selecting high performance rabbits at early ages through an stochastic approach.
SÁNCHEZ J. P., BASELGA M., DUCROCQ V. - Estimation of the correlation between longevity and litter size.
SÁNCHEZ J. P., BASELGA M., SILVESTRE M.A., SAHUQUILLO J. - Direct and correlated responses to selection for daily gain in rabbits.
SZENDRÖ Zs., ROMVÁRI R., NAGY I., ANDRÁSSY-BAKA G., METZGER Sz., RADNAI I., BIRÓ-NÉMETH E., SZABÓ A., VÍGH Zs., HORN P. - Selection of Pannon White rabbits based on computerised tomography.
ZHU Y. F. , ZHANG J. B., REN W.Z., WANG Y. Z - Genetic variation within and among five rabbit populations using microsatellite markers.

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 Reproduction (pages 186-384)

BOITI C. - Underlying physiological mechanisms controlling the reproductive axis of rabbit does. (Invited paper)
ROMMERS J. M. - Breeding of young females does. (Invited paper)

ARGENTE M.J., SANTACREU M.A., CLIMENT A., BLASCO A. - Effects of intrauterine crowding on uterine available space per fetus in rabbits
BADÚ C. A., FERREIRA W. M., OLIVEIRA C. E. A., KAMWA E. B., LANA A. M. Q. - Resistance of rabbit spermatozoa to ambient stress and to 24-hour refrigeration at 5°C
BELHADI S. - Characterisation of local rabbit performances in Algeria: Environmental variation of litter size and weights.
BONANNO A., MAZZA F., DI GRIGOLI A.,ALICATA M.L. - Effects of restricted feeding during rearing, combined with a delayed first insemination, on reproductive activity of rabbit does.
BRECCHIA G. , BONANNO A., GALEATI G., DALL'AGLIO C., DI GRIGOLI A., PARRILLO F., BOITI C. - Effects of short- and long-term fasting on the ovarian axis and reproductive performance of rabbits does.
BRUN J.M., THEAU-CLÉMENT M., LARZUL C., FALIÈRES J., SALEIL G. - Semen production in two rabbit lines divergently selected for 63-d body weight.
CASTELLINI C., DAL BOSCO A., CARDINALI R. - Effect of dietary alpha-linolenic acid on the semen characteristics of rabbit bucks.
CHIERICATO G. M., RIZZI C., BRECCHIA G. - The effect of the dietary electrolyte balance on the plasma energy, protein, mineral variables and endocrine profile of pluriparous rabbit does.
ECHEGARAY-TORRES J. L., OLVERA-CARMONA. J. A., SALCEDO-BACA R., MENDOZA-ÁLVAREZ B. - Quality and fertility of preserved rabbit semen at 15° c, in gelatine supplemented extender
EIBEN Cs., KUSTOS K., GÓDOR-SURMANN K., KOTÁNY Sz., THEAU-CLÉMENT M., SZENDRÖ Zs. - Effect of nursing methods on productivity in lactating rabbits.
GÓMEZ R. B., BECERRIL P. C. M., TORRES H. G., PRO M.A.,RODRÍGUEZ DE LARA R. - Relationship among feeding level, change of cage and fasting with vulva color and sexual receptivity in New Zealand White and Californian nulliparous does.
GUTIERREZ H. E., ZAMORA F. M. M. - Ultrasonography study of rabbits pregnancy
GYOVAI M., SZENDRÖ Zs., MAERTENS L., BIRÓ-NÉMETH E. RADNAI I., MATICS Zs., GERENCSÉR Zs., PRINCZ Z., HORN P. - Effect of the rearing method on the performance of rabbit does (Preliminary results)
MARAI I. F. M., HAEEB A. A. M., GAD A. E. - Growth performance traits and the physiological background of young doe rabbits as affected by climatic conditions and lighting regime, under sub-tropical conditions of Egypt.
MATICS Zs., SZENDRÖ Zs., THEAU-CLÉMENT M., BIRÓ-NÉMETH E., RADNAI I., GYOVAI M., OROVA Z., EIBEN Cs. - Modification of the nursing system as a biostimulation method.
MILISITS G., LÉVAI A. - Comparison of some reproductive traits of rabbit does selected for high and low body fat content.
MOCE M.L., SANTACREU M.A., CLIMENT A., PEIRO R., BLASCO A. - In vivo development of vitrified rabbit embryos: Effects on prenatal survival. Preliminary results.
OLIVEIRA C. E. A., BADÚ C. A., FERREIRA W. M., KAMWA E. B., LANA, A. M. Q. - Effects of dietary zinc supplementation on spermatic characteristics of rabbit breeders.
POLGÁR Zs., VIRÁG Gy., BARANYAI B., BODÓ Sz., KOVÁCS A., GÓCZA E. - Evaluation of effects of cryopreservation on rabbit spermatozoa membranes with Trypan blue-Giemsa staining.
REBOLLAR P. G., MILANÉS A., ESQUIFINO A. I., MILLÁN P., LORENZO P. L. - Plasma oestradiol and prolactin in synchronized multiparous rabbit does
RIZZI C. , BRECCHIA G., CHIERICATO G. M. - A study on the reproductive performance and physiological response of rabbit bucks fed on diets with two different mineral contents.
, PICHARDO-REYES M., ECHAGARAY-TORRES J. L. - Buck semen characteristics from a mexican population of the Californian, New Zealand White, and Chinchilla breeds.
SZENDRÖ Zs., GERENCSÉR Zs., GYOVAI M., METZGER Sz., RADNAI I., BIRÓ-NÉMETH E. - Effect of photoperiod on the reproductive traits of rabbit does.
SZENDRÖ Zs., RASHWAN A. A., BIRÓNÉ NÉMETH E., RADNAI I., OROVA Z. - Effect of shearing of rabbit does in summer on their performance.
THEAU-CLÉMENT M. , MERCIER P. - Influence of lighting programs on the productivity of rabbit does of two genetic types.
ZANIBONI L., GLIOZZI T., MALDJIAN A., LUZI F., CEROLINI S. - Fatty acid and tocopherol composition of semen components in the rabbit.
ZERROUKI N., BOLET G., BERCHICHE M., LEBAS F. - Breeding performance of local Kabylian rabbits does in Algeria
ZERROUKI N., LEBAS F. - Evaluation of milk production of an Algerian local rabbit population raised in the Tizi-Ouzou area (Kabylia).

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Pathology & Hygiene (p385-685)

LICOIS D. - Domestic rabbit enteropathies (Invited paper)

ABECIA L., MCEWAN N.R., NEWBOLD C.J., FONDEVILA M. , BALCELLS J. - Molecular profiling of the major bacterial species in the rabbit caecum as affected by therapeutical doses of antibiotics
AGNOLETTI F., BANO L., DEOTTO S., COMIN D., PARENTI E., MARCATI M., BERTOLIN M., MAZZOLINI E. - Selective culture medium to isolate Clostridium spiroforme from rabbit gut.
AGNOLETTI F., FAVRETTI M., DEOTTO S., PASSERA A., TISATO E.3, BANO L., MAZZOLINI E. - Report of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) isolated from enteric outbreaks in Italian intensive rabbit herds.
ALVES A., PINHEIRO V., MOURÃO J. L., PIRES I., OLIVEIRA J., GAMA A. - Measurement of rabbit's intestinal villus: Preliminary comparison of two methods.
BADIOLA I., PÉREZ DE ROZAS A. M., ROCA M., CARABAÑO R., GARCÍA J., ROSELL J. - The 16S r-DNA RFLP profile of total DNA of intestinal bacteria under pathological conditions.
BAO J. C., ZI L. G., Q.H. K., C. Z., W. S. R., YU T. H. - New characteristics, prevention and cure technique of coccidiosis in rabbit.
BOHEZ L., MAERTENS L., LAEVENS H., STAKENBORG T., PEETERS J., VANDEKERCHOVE D. - Use of a 3-/O15 delta-eae enteropathogenic Escherichia coli vaccine in a rabbitry with mixed enteropathy problems: Spreading characteristics and protective effect.
BOHEZ L., STAKENBORG T., LAEVENS H., PEETERS J., VANDEKERCHOVE D. - An attenuated 2+/O132 delta-tir enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) offers cross protection against a 3-/O15 challenge and partial protection against an 8+/O103 challenge.
BOHEZ L., STAKENBORG T., LAEVENS H., PEETERS J., VANDEKERCHOVE D. - Different administration methods for the 3-/O15 delta-eae EPEC vaccine strain protecting meat rabbits against a 3 -/O15 challenge: Preliminary results.
BOISOT P. , DUPERRAY J. , GUYONVARCH A., RICHARD A., LICOIS D., COUDERT P. - Evaluation of the effectiveness of soluble bacitracin (Bacivet S®) in drinking water compared to bacitracin in the feed (Albac®), during an experimental reproduction of epizootic rabbit enteropathy syndrome.
BOULLIER S., NOUGAYRÈDE J-P., MARCHES O., TASCA C., MILON A. - Genetically engineered enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strain protects rabbits against colibacillosis.
CAMARDA A., PENNELLI D., BATTISTA P., MARTELLA V., GRECO L., ALLOGGIO I., MAZZOLINI E. - Virulence genes and antimicrobial resistance patterns of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli from rabbits in southern Italy.
CAPUCCI L., CERRONE A., BOTTI G., MARIANI F., BARTOLI M., LAVAZZA A. - Results of seroepidemiological surveys for the detection of natural anti-RHD antibodies induced by the nonpathogenic rabbit calicivirus (RCV) in meat rabbits.
CAYO V., PERIS B., GARCÍA V., SEGURA P., MARTÍNEZ J., ORTEGA J., CORPA J. - Intestinal emphysema in a rabbit doe (Oryctolagus cuniculus).
CERRONE A., MARIANI F., CIABRELLI M., GALIERO G., DE CARLO E., FIORETTI A., BAIANO A., BARTOLI M. - A survey of zoonotic agents in Italian rabbit slaughterhouses.
CERRONE A., MARIANI F., CIABRELLI M., GALIERO G., DE CARLO E., FIORETTI A., BAIANO A., BARTOLI M. - Parasitological zoonosis in rabbit meat: results of seroepidemiological survey for the investigation of Encephalitozoon cuniculi, Toxoplasma gondii and Chlamydia psittaci in Italian rabbitries.
CORPA J. M., SEGURA P., MARTÍNEZ J., ORTEGA J., PERIS B. - Abdominal pregnancies in farm rabbits.
COUDERT P. - Evaluation of the efficacy of Cycostat®66G against coccidiosis in fattening rabbits under controlled field conditions.
COUDERT P., LICOIS D. - Study of early phenomena during experimental epizootic rabbit enteropathy: Preliminary results.
D'INCAU M., PENNELLI D., PACCIARINI M., MACCABIANI G., LAVAZZA A., TAGLIABUE S. - Characterization of E. coli strains isolated from rabbits with enteritis in Lombardia and Emilia Romagna (north Italy) during the period 2000-2003.
FAROUGOU S., KOUTINHOUIN B., KPODEKON M., DOUGNON P., DJAGO Y., ADEHAN R., AHLINCOU F. - Gastro-intestinal and external parasitose of rabbit in Benin.
FARSANG A., MAKRANSZKI L., DOBOS-KOVÁCS M., VIRÁG G., FÁBIÁN K., BARNA T., KULCSÁR G., KUCSERA L., SOÓS T. ,VETÉSI F. - Recurrent outbreaks of amyxomatous myxomatosis in a commercial rabbitry attributed to contact transmission.
GU Z.L., CHEN B.J., KAN Q.H., REN W.S.,HUANG Y.T., HUANG R.L. - Study on control technology of infectious rhinitis of rabbit.
KPODEKON M., DJAGO A.Y., FAROUGOU S., COUDERT P., LEBAS F. - Results of the technical management of four rabbit farms in Benin.
LAVAZZA A., CERRONE A., AGNOLETTI F., PERUGINI G., FIORETTI A., BOTTI G., BOZZONI G., CERIOLI M., CAPUCCI L. - An update on the presence and spreading in Italy of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus and of its antigenic variant RHDVa
LAVAZZA A., GRAZIANI M., TRANQUILLO V.M. , BOTTI G., PALOTTA C., CERIOLI M., CAPUCCI L. - Serological evaluation of the immunity induced in commercial rabbits by vaccination for myxomatosis and RHD
MARTELLA V., LAVAZZA A., TERIO V., CAMARDA A., CERIOLI M., ELIA G., PRATELLI A., BUONAVOGLIA C. - Exploring the epidemiology of lapine rotaviruses: evidence for spreading of rotaviruses displaying the newly-recognised P[22] VP4 gene allele in Italy.
MARTINO P.A., LUZI F., VERGA M. - Microbiological control of the environment in an intensive rabbit rearing
MENDOZA B.J., ALONSO F.M.U., DIAZ Z.S., BELTRÁN L.T., VELÁZQUEZ O.V. - Food safety in rabbit meat production
MERCIER P, MOREL-SAIVES A.,VERDELHAN S., RICHARD A. - Tolerance of decoquinate in the rabbit
PAGÈS-MANTÉ A., ALFONSO M. - Efficacy of intradermal RHD vaccination using various adjuvants on fattening rabbits
PISONI A.M., PICCIRILLO A., GALLAZZI D., AGNOLETTI F., GRILLI G. - Biotype and susceptibility to antimicrobial agents of rabbit Escherichia coli
ROSELL J. M., DE LA FUENTE L. F. - Health status of domestic rabbits in the Iberian peninsula. Influence of their origin.
SAGGIORATO M., PRADELLA G., FEDRIZZI G., MENOTTA S., SCANDURRA S., ANFOSSI P., CASAROTTI M. , GIOVANARDI D. - Excretion of tilmicosin in milk of rabbits after subcutaneous administration.
SALCEDO-BACA R., MARTÍNEZ-GARCÍA G. E., MONTESINOS-R. L. I., GÓMEZ-LORENCE M. - Characterization of growing rabbit morbidity and mortality in a rabbitry in Chapingo, Mexico
SÜVEGOVÁ K., JURCÍK R., CHRENEK P., GAŽOVICOVÁ Z., RAFAY J., HANUSOVÁ E. - Comparison of inner organs weight and some hematological and biochemical blood parameters of transgenic and nontransgenic rabbits.
TSALIE E., KALDRYMIDOY E., KOUZI K., POUTAHIDIS Th. , XYLOURI E., ILIADIS N., SARRIS K., ABAS Z. - Ileal mucosal effects of vitamin E in experimentally infected rabbits with enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O103
VANCRAEYNEST D., HERMANS K., HAESEBROUCK F. - Screening of high and low virulence Staphylococcus aureus isolates from rabbits for MSCRAMM genes
VANCRAEYNEST D., HERMANS K., MARTEL A., VANEECHOUTTE M., DEVRIESE L.A., HAESEBROUCK F. - Antimicrobial resistance and resistance genes in Staphylococcus aureus strains from rabbits
VELÁZQUEZ O. V., ALONSO F. M. U., MENDOZA B. J., TALAVERA R. M., LAGUNAS B. S., MONTES DE OCA J. R. - Efficacy of ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin in the treatment of a respiratory pasteurellosis outbreak in New Zealand rabbits.
VENTURA E., JUÁREZ M., CANDANOSA E. - Diarrheal case in semintensive production of New Zealand White (NZW) rabbit in Mexico city. "Characterization of macroscopic and microscopic lesions".
VERDELHAN S., BOURDILLON A., MOREL-SAIVES A., AUDOIN E. - Effect of a limited access to water on mortality of fattening rabbits
VIRAG G. , MANDOKI M. , ODERMATT M. - Characterization of Pasteurella multocida recovered from live rabbits at a small-scale farm previously manifesting deaths by pyothorax and pyometra
XUE J. B., CHEN X. X., XU W. Z. - Rabbit haemorrhagic disease in China.

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 Feeding & Nutition (p 686-1034)

LEBAS F. - Reflections on rabbit nutrition with a special emphasis on feed ingredients utilization.(Invited paper).

AMBER KH. , YAKOUT H. M., HAMED RAWYA S. - Effect of feeding diets containing yucca extract or probiotic on growth, digestibility, nitrogen balance and caecal microbial activity of growing New Zealand White rabbits.
BADIOLA I. , PÉREZ DE ROZAS A. M., ROCA M., CARABAÑO R., GÓMEZ M. , GARCÍA J., DE BLAS C. - Characterization of the microbial diversity of rabbit intestinal tract by restriction fragment length polymorphism.
BELENGUER A., BALCELLS J., GUADA J. A., GONZALEZ RONQUILLO, DECOUX M. - Protein recycling in rabbits: incorporation of microbial lysine in growing rabbits as a method of measurement
BOISOT P., DUPERRAY J., DUGENETAIS X., GUYONVARCH A. - Interest of hydric restriction times of 2 and 3 hours per day to induce feed restriction in growing rabbits.
CANO J. L., BLAS E., SOLER M. D., MOYA V. J., GUILLÉN M. I. - Immune response induced by feed in growing rabbits.
CASADO C., PIQUER O., CERVERA C., PASCUAL J. J. - A mathematical model for the lactation curve of the rabbit does.
CASTELLINI C., DAL BOSCO A., CARDINALI R. MUGNAI C., SCIASCIA E. - Effect of dietary n-3 fatty acids on the composition of doe's milk and tissues of suckling rabbits.
COSSU M. E., CUMINI M. L., LAZZARI G. - Effect of corn processing and level of inclusion on growth of meat rabbits.
DI MEO C., BOVERA F., PICCOLO G., GAZANEO M .P., NIZZA A. - Effect of pre-weaning diet on rabbit performance.
EIBEN Cs., MÉZES M., SZIJÁRTÓ N., KUSTOS K., GÓDOR-SURMANN K., ERDÉLYI M. - Dose-dependent effect of cellulase supplementation on performance of early-weaned rabbit.
EIBEN Cs., RASHWAN A. A., KUSTOS K., GÓDOR-SURMANN K., SZENDRÖ Zs. - Effect of anise and fenugreek supplementation on performance of rabbit does.
ERDELYI M., MÉZES M., VIRÁG G. - Study of glutathione peroxidase activity in some environmental induction models in rabbit
FERNÁNDEZ-CARMONA J., SORIANO J., PASCUAL J. J., CERVERA C. - The prediction of nutritive value of rabbit diets from tables of feed composition.
FERNÁNDEZ-CARMONA, J., BLAS E., CERVERA C.; PASCUAL J. J. - The measure of milk rabbit
FONSECA A. P., FALCÃO L., KOCHER A2, SPRING P. - Effects of dietary mannan-oligosaccharide in comparison to oxytetracyclin on performance of growing rabbits.
FURLAN A. C., SCAPINELLO C., MOREIRA A. C., MARTINS E. N., MURAKAMI A. E., JOBIM C. C. - Performance of growing rabbits fed on diets containing high moisture sorghum silage grain with low or high tannin contents.
GABBI A. M., VIÉGAS J., TOLEDO G. S. P , IORA A. L., FRONZA L., CARLOTTO S. B. - Increasing levels of ramie (Boehmeria nivea) hay on the diets of fattening rabbits
GARCÍA J. , GARCÍA A. I., GARCÍA-REBOLLAR P. , DE BLAS C. , CARABAÑO R. - Effects of source of protein and enzyme supplementation on performance of fattening rabbits.
GIDENNE T., FORTUN-LAMOTHE L. - Growth, health status and digestion of rabbits weaned at 23 or 32 days of age.
GIDENNE T., LAPANOUSE A., FORTUN-LAMOTHE L. - Feeding strategy for the early weaned rabbit: Interest of a high energy and protein starter diet on growth and health status.
GÓMEZ-CONDE M.S., CHAMORRO S., NICODEMUS N., VILLAMIDE M.J., GARCÍA J., DE BLAS C., CARABAÑO R. - Determination of faecal dry matter digestibility in rabbits weaned at 25 days of age
GÓMEZ-CONDE M.S., CHAMORRO S., NICODEMUS N., GARCÍA J., CARABAÑO R., DE BLAS C. - Effect of the level of soluble fibre on ileal apparent digestibility at different ages
GÓMEZ-CONDE M.S., CHAMORRO S. , MENOYO D., GARCÍA-REBOLLAR P., DE BLAS C. - Effects of source of fibre on fat composition and fat recycling with caecotrophes.
GU Z. L., CHEN B. J., LI J., ZHAO C., DONG B., GE J. - Study on the optimal crude fiber content of growing rex rabbit diet.
KOWALSKA D., BIELANSKI P. - Effect of supplemental dietary fat for rabbits on milk composition and rearing performance of young rabbits.
KUSTOS K., KOVÁCS D., GÓDOR-SURMANN K., EIBEN Cs. - Effect of probiotic Bioplus 2B® on performance of growing rabbit
LI F.C, LEI Q.X., ZHANG X. - Comparative studies on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, immunity index and protease activities between weaning-2 month and 2-3 month New Zealand rabbits
LIANG Q. Z., REN K. L., XIAO B. Y., REN J. L., WANG F., ZHANG L. J. - - Effect of dietary saccharicterpenin to rabbit production performance
LIU Y. F. , GAO Z. H. , WANG P., ZHAO F. C. , ZHANG B. Q. - The effect of additive named "Jian Tu San" in feed upon the productivity of Rex rabbit.
LUI J. F., ANDRADE B. R. P., OLIVEIRA M. C., ARANTES U. M., CANCHERINI L. C., CAIRES D. R. - Nutritive value of diets containing alfalfa hay and whole corn plant to growing rabbits.
MAERTENS L. , CAVANI C. , PETRACCI M. - Nitrogen and phosphorus excretion in rabbits: A calculation basis for commercial farms.
MONTESSUY S., MOUSSET J. L., FERCHAUD N. - Effect of a specific feeding program based on high energy lactation and pregnancy diets on rabbit does and young rabbits performances.
MOURÃO J. L., ALVES A. , PINHEIRO V. - Effects of fructo-oligosaccharides on performances of growing rabbits.
MUÑIZ M. A., PRO A., BECERRIL C. M., SOSA E., RAMOS N. A., GALLEGOS J., HERNÁNDEZ O. - Fatty acids omega-3 in milk of rabbits does fed common vetch and sardine oil.
NICODEMUS N., PÉREZ-ALBA L., CARABAÑO R., DE BLAS C., BADIOLA I., PÉREZ DE ROZAS A., GARCÍA J. - Effect of level of fibre and level of ground of fibre sources on digestion and ileal and caecal characterization of microbiota of early weaned rabbits
PEREIRA R. A. N., SALIBA E. O. S. , MOTTA W. F., BERTECHINI A. G., DONATO D. C. Z., DUARTE M. R., CHAVES, M. L. - Lipe® marker for estimating total faecal production and dry matter apparent digestibility in growing rabbits.
PINHEIRO V., ALVES A., MOURÃO J. L., GUEDES C. M., PINTO L., SPRING P., KOCHER A. - Effect of mannan oligosaccharides on the ileal morphometry and cecal fermentation of growing rabbits
PINHEIRO V., MOURÃO J. L., ALVES A., RODRIGUES M., SAAVEDRA M. J. - Effects of zinc bacitracin on performance, digestibility and caecal development of growing rabbits.
QUEVEDO F., CERVERA C., BLAS E., BASELGA M., COSTA C., PASCUAL J. J. - Feeding program for young rabbit does according to their genetic level.
RASHWAN A. A., SZENDRÖ Zs., BIRÓ-NÉMETH E., RADNAI I. - Effect of frequent weighing on the performance of growing rabbits
REN K. L., LI Y. P., HU Y. S., LIANG Q. Z. , LUO H. D. - Study of the dietary energy and protein content for growing Rex rabbits from weaning to marketing.
REN K. L., LI Y. P., REN J. L., HE D. C. , LIANG Q. Z. - Study of the dietary energy and protein levels for reproducing rex rabbits.
REN K., LI Y., LIANG Q., REN J., LUO H., TANG Y., HUANG S. - Digestible energy and crude protein level for growing rex rabbits.
REN K.L., NIU X.W., HE D.C., XIAO B.Y. , HUANG S.F., LI Y.P. - Effect of dietary peashrub on rabbit performance and carcass traits.
SCAPINELLO C., MICHELAN A. C., FURLAN A. C., MOREIRA I., MARTINS E. N., MURAKAMI A. E. - Use of cassava meal residue on rabbit feeding.
SELIM A. D., SOLIMAN A. Z., ABDEL-KHALEK A. M. - Effect of drinking water temperatures and some dietary feed additives on performance of heat stressed rabbits
SKRIVANOVÁ V., VOLEK Z. , ZITA L., MAROUNEK M. - Effect of triacylglycerols of caprylic and capric acid on performance, mortality and digestibility of nutrients in growing rabbits
SOLER M. D., BLAS E., CANO J. L., PASCUAL J. J., CERVERA C., FERNÁNDEZ-CARMONA J. - Effect of digestible fibre/starch ratio and animal fat level in diets around weaning on mortality rate of rabbits
TOSCHI I., CESARI V. , RAPETTI L. , BAVA L. , GRILLI G. , CASTROVILLI C. - Energy utilization and partition of nulliparous rabbit does in the last third of pregnancy
TUMOVÁ E. , SKRIVANOVÁ V., ZITA L., SKRIVAN M., FUCÍKOVÁ A. - The effect of restriction on digestibility of nutrients, organ growth and blood picture in broiler rabbits.
VERDELHAN S., BOURDILLON A., MOREL-SAIVES A. - Effect of a limited access to water on water consumption, feed intake and growth of fattening rabbits.
VOLEK Z., SKRIVANOVÁ V., MAROUNEK M., ZITA L. - Replacement of starch by pectin and chicory inulin in the starter diet of early-weaned rabbits: Effect on growth, health status, caecal traits and viscosity of the small intestinal content.
XICCATO G., TROCINO A., SARTORI A., QUEAQUE P.I., BRECCHIA G., BOITI C. - Effect of reproductive rhythm and litter weaning age on the performance and body energy balance of rabbit does

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 Digestive Physiology (p 1035-1120)

FORTUN-LAMOTHE L., BOULLIER S. - Interactions between gut microflora and digestive mucosal immunity, and strategies to improve digestive health in young rabbits (Invited paper)

DIHIGO L. E., SAVÓN L. , SIERRA F. - Cecal content composition and dry matter excretion in rabbits consuming sugar cane meals
DOJANA N., POP A., PAPUC C. - Effects of exogenously added short-chain fatty acids on pancreatic exocrine secretion in domestic rabbit
GALLOIS M., GIDENNE T., FORTUN-LAMOTHE L., LE HUEROU-LURON I., LALLES J. P. - Weaning age and development of the small intestinal mucosa in the young rabbit
KÓSA E., KOVÁCS M., RIGÓ Z. - Effect of a vegetable extract (trade name: IMMUNOVET-HBM®) upon activity of digestive enzymes in rabbits.
KOVÁCS M., SZENDRÖ Zs., CSUTORÁS I., BÓTA B., BENCSNÉ K. Z., OROVA Z., RADNAI I., BIRÓNÉ N. E., HORN P. - Development of the caecal microflora of newborn rabbits during the first ten days after birth
KOVACS M., SZENDRÖ Zs., CSUTORÁS I., BÓTA B., FÉBEL H., KÓSA E., BENCSNÉ K. Z., SZAKÁCS Á., HORN P. - Some digestive-physiological parameters of early-weaned rabbits fed non-medicated diets
MAROUNEK M., SKRIVAN M., SKRIVANOVÁ V., SAVKA O. - Weights of digestive organs, caecal metabolites and fermentation stoichiometry in coypus and rabbits
REN K. L., NIU X. W., LUOH D.,LI Y. S., WANG F. - Digestibility of dietary peashrub nutrients.
ZHAO G.-X. , FENG Z.H. , WANG Y.-D. , LI Y.-Q. , LIU G-Z. - The effects of supplemental microbial phytase in diets on the growth performance and mineral excretion of Rex-rabbits.

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 Management & Economy (p 1121-1171)

MAERTENS L. Colony rearing of fattening rabbits (Invited paper)

ECHEGARAY-TORRES J. L., REBOLLEDO-CH. O., RODRÍGUEZ-H. J. C., SALCEDO-BACA R. - Effect of nursing frequency on rabbits productive performance.
GYOVAI M., MAERTENS L., NAGY I., BIRÓ-NÉMETH E., RADNAI I., PRINCZ Z., GERENCSÉR Zs., SZENDRÖ Zs. - Examination of factors influencing rabbit survival (Preliminary results)
KPODEKON M., DJAGO A.Y., FAROUGOU S., COUDERT P., LEBAS F. - Results of the technical management of four rabbit farms in Benin.
MATICS Zs., SZENDRÖ Zs, RADNAI I., BIRÓ-NÉMETH E., GYOVAI M., OROVA Z. - Study of a two-phase rearing method for growing rabbits.
OLIVARES R., SORIANO R., LÓPEZ M., RIVERA J., LOSADA H. - Characterization of rabbit meat middlemen in the metropolitan area of Mexico City.
OLIVARES R. SORIANO R. LÓPEZ M., RIVERA J., LOSADA H. - Consumption patterns of rabbit meat in the metropolitan area of Mexico City.
OLIVARES R., SORIANO R., LÓPEZ M., RIVERA J., LOSADA H. - Selling points and forms of consumption of rabbit meat in the metropolitan area of Mexico City.
RASHWAN A. A., MATICS Zs. SZENDRÖ Zs., OROVA Z., BIRÓ-NÉMETH E., RADNAI I. - Effect of nursing method and stocking density on the performance of early weaned rabbits.
SZENDRÖ Zs, BIRÓ-NÉMETH E., RADNAI I., METZGER Sz., PRINCZ Z., GERENCSÉR Zs. - The effect of daily lighting program on the performance of growing rabbits.

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 Rabbit Science & Production in developping countries (p 1172-1217) (FAO Session)

EL-RAFFA, A.M. - Rabbit production in hot climates (Invited paper)

FACCHIN E., COSSU M. E., GARCÍA S. M., GAUNA C. - Rabbit breeding in La Pampa: a cooperation model for the rabbit breeding in La Pampa: a cooperation model for the production of quality rabbit meat
GHOSH S. K., DAS A., BUJARBARUAH K. M., DAS ASIT, DHIMAN K. R., SINGH N. P. - Studies on the productive and reproductive performances of Soviet Chinchilla and New Zealand White breeds of rabbit under the subtropical condition of Tripura.
JAOUZI T. , BARKOK A. ,BOUZEKRAOUI A., BOUYMAJJANE Z. - Evaluation of some production parameters in rabbit. comparative study of local Moroccan rabbit and Californian breed in pure and cross breeding.
KADI S.A., BELAIDI-GATER N., CHEBAT F. - Inclusion of crude olive cake in growing rabbits diet: effect on growth and slaughter yield.
MARTINEZ F., BECERRIL P.C.M., PRO M.A., GARCIA D.G. , GARCIA M.R., CUCA G.M. - Rabbit production in small rabbitries in Texcoco Mexico.
SZENDRÖ Zs. - Rabbit production, education and research in Hungary.

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 Welfare & Ethology (p 1218-1286)

GONZÁLEZ-MARISCAL G. - Maternal behavior in rabbits: regulation by hormonal and sensory factors (Invited paper)

DAL BOSCO A., MUGNAI C., CASTELLINI C., LAUDAZI S. - A prototype of colony cage for improving the welfare of rabbit does: Preliminary results.
HOY St., SCHUH D. - Sociometric investigations in groups of wild and domestic rabbits with one buck and two or three does.
LÓPEZ M., CARRILHO M.C., GÓMEZ C. - Evaluation of the use of straw as an entertainment in Gigante De España rabbit cages: the effect of the placing of the straw in cage on the behaviour.
MAERTENS L., TUYTTENS F., VAN POUCKE E. - Grouphousing of broiler rabbits: Performances in enriched vs barren pens.
MATICS Zs., SZENDRÖ Zs., BESSEI W., RADNAI I., BIRÓ-NÉMETH E., OROVA Z., GYOVAI M. - The free choice of rabbits among identically and differently sized cages.
NEGRETTI P., ALBANI A., FINZI A. - LOcation and social behaviour of young rabbit bucks
OROVA Z., SZENDRÖ Zs., MATICS Zs., RADNAI I., BIRÓ-NÉMETH E. - Free choice of growing rabbits between deep litter and wire net floor in pens
SCHUH D., HOY St.., SELZER D. - Vocalization of rabbit pups in the mother-young relationship
SOLAR A., FERNÁNDEZ-CARMONA J., CERVERA C., PASCUAL J. J. - The behaviour of farm rabbits in the day of parturition.
TROCINO A., XICCATO G., QUEAQUE P.I., SARTORI A. - Group housing of growing rabbits: Effect of stocking density and cage floor on performance, welfare, and meat quality.
VERGA M., ZINGARELLI I., HEINZL E., FERRANTE V., MARTINO P.A., LUZI F. - Effect of housing and environmental enrichment on performance and behaviour in fattening rabbits.

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 Wool & Fur (p 1287-1317)

GU Z. L., BAI Y. F. , CHEN B. J., HUO G. C., ZHAO C. - Effect of protein level on lactating performance, daily gain and fur density in Rex rabbit
GU Z. L., CHEN B. J., DONG B., ZHAO C., REN W. S., HUANG R. L. - Study on fur density in Rex rabbit.
GU Z. L., ZHAO C., CHEN B. J., REN W. S., HUANG Y. T., DONG B. - Effects of differrent strains and combinations on the product performance of Rex rabbit.
YANG J., LI L., WU L., LIU J. - Primary measurement for production performance of the original American breed Rex rabbits and their offspring

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 Meat Quality & Processing (p 1318-1451)

CAVANI C., PETRACCI M. - Rabbit meat processing and traceability (Invited paper).
PLA M. - Effects of nutrition and selection on meat quality (Invited paper).

BARRÒN G., ROSAS G., SANDOVAL CH., BONILLA O., REYES G., RICO P., CARDONA L., ZAMORA F. - Effect of genotype and sex on Ph of biceps femoris and longissimus dorsi muscles in rabbit carcasses.
BIANOSPINO E., MOURA A.S.A.M.T., WECHSLER F.S.1, FERNANDES, S., ROÇA R.O. - Carcass and meat quality of straightbred and crossbred rabbits.
BIANOSPINO E., WECHSLER F. S., MOURA A.S.A.M.T., FERNANDES S. - Growth traits and dressing percentage of straightbred and crossbred rabbits
BOVERA F., DI MEO C., BARONE C., GAZANEO M.P., TARANTO S., NIZZA A. - A Survey on carcass and meat characteristics of ischia rabbits raised in pits.
COMBES S., LARZUL C., GONDRET F., ROCHAMBEAU H. De - Does selection for growth rate impair bone resistance in the rabbit?
DALLE ZOTTE A., RÉMIGNON H., CHIERICATO G.M. - Effect of maternal feed restriction on muscular characteristics of rabbit offspring
DALLE ZOTTE A., RÉMIGNON H., OUHAYOUN J. - Effect of feed restriction during post-weaning growth on fiber characteristics of biceps femoris muscle in the rabbit.
HERNÁNDEZ P., GUERRERO L., RAMÍREZ J., MEKKAWY W., PLA M., ARIÑO B. , IBÁÑEZ N., BLASCO A. - A Bayesian approach of the effect of selection for growth rate on sensory meat quality of rabbit.
LAKABI D., ZERROUKI N., LEBAS F., BERCHICHE M. - Growth performances and slaughter traits of a local Kabylian population of rabbits reared in Algeria: Effects of sex and rearing season.
MASOERO G, BERGOGLIO G., BRUGIAPAGLIA A., DESTEFANIS G., CHICCO R. - FT-NIR spectroscopy of treated blood plasma to predict carcass and meat quality of young female rabbits
MASOERO G., BERGOGLIO G., BRUGIAPAGLIA A., DESTEFANIS G., CHICCO R. - FT-NIR spectroscopy of fresh and treated muscle tissue in young female rabbits.
McNITT J.I., NEGATU Z., MCMILLIN K. - Bone particle determinati0n in mechanically separated rabbit meat- Preliminary results
METZGER Sz. , ODERMATT M., SZENDRÖ Zs., MOHAUPT M. , ROMVÁRI R. , MAKAI A., BIRÓ-NÉMETH E., RADNAI I., SIPOS L. - Comparison of carcass traits and meat quality of Hyplus hybrid, purebred Pannon White rabbits and their crossbreds.
METZGER Sz. , ODERMATT M., SZENDRÖ Zs., MOHAUPT M. , ROMVÁRI R. , MAKAI A., BIRÓ-NÉMETH E., RADNAI I., HORN P. - Examination on the carcass traits of different rabbit genotypes.
PASCUAL M., ALIAGA S., PLA M. - Effect of selection for growth rate on carcass and meat composition in rabbits.
PINNA W., SEDDA P., MARONGIU M.L., MONIELLO G., NIZZA A., DIMEO C. - Intraperitoneal electronic identification of rabbits.
PINNA W., MARONGIU M.L., SEDDA P., MONIELLO G., NIZZA A., PICCOLO G. - Linear measurements of carcasses as a tool to improve the evaluation of the rabbit meat production

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 Alternative & sustanaible production systems (p 1452-1517)

LUKEFAHR, S.D. - Sustainable and alternative systems of rabbit production (Invited paper)

CLAVEL C., HERNÁNDEZ E., HERRERA J., HERNÁNDEZ V., HERNÁNDEZ D. - Small cuniculture family farm on the south coast of Guerrero state, Mexico.
CONTRERAS J L., RIVERA J., LÓPEZ M., LOSADA H., SORIANO R., AMBRIZ D., ARENAS C. - Reproductive rabbit parameters of backyard production in the urban and peri-urban spaces in Xochimilco region.
LÓPEZ O., MONTEJO I. L. - Evaluation of productive indicators in half-breed rabbits fed with local products in Cuba
NAVA ZAVALETA J., JORGE SANDOVAL D., VARGAS MUÑOZ J. A. - Slurry evaluation for the production of hydroponic fodder for rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus and vermicompost as substratum for Ficus inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizae Glomus.
RIVERA J., LÓPEZ M., LOSADA H., SORIANO R., L. ARIAS, CORTÉS J. - Backyard rabbit production as a sustainability system in the urban and peri-urban area of Xochimilco region.
RIVERA J., PÉREZ F., LÓPEZ M., LOSADA H., CORTES J., HERRERA J., ARIAS L. - The rabbit production in the volcanoes rural area of Ecatzingo village, México state.
RUIS M., COENEN E. - A group-housing system for rabbit does in commercial production: A new approach
SALCEDO-BACA R., RAMÍREZ-LUNA G., QUIÑÓNEZ-CRUZ B., ECHEGARAY-TORRES J. L. - Evaluation of an organic diet for growing rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) based on alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and corn (Zea mays)
SANDOVAL TINOCO S. C. , LÓPEZ GONZÁLEZ M. A. - Characterization of a pet rabbit's herd in Mexico city.

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The texts of the communications were also published in a CR Rom
prepared by A. Climent and A. Blasco

(University of Valencia - Spain)
and distributed to all Congress participants
